Training Partnerships

Resell or License Our Training Programs

With over extensive PowerPoint slide decks and a fully-written script, our training programs are packaged up nicely and ready for you to present or resell. The content includes participant exercises, discussion topics, and polls to keep people engaged.

Trainers who take our “train the trainer” workshop and become certified by passing our exam and work history check will have access to our materials and support.

Certified Trainer Materials

Slides and Scripts

You’ll have our PowerPoint slides and full scripts. Memorize it, half memorize it, ad lib a bit, whatever works best for your style while maintaining the integrity of the material.

Companion Books

We’ll help you get companion books in paperback or hard cover at the author price. Resell to trainees or package with your training.

Certificate Exams

Send attendees to the online exam. When we are notified who passed, we will send them certificates and badges they can use, print, and share.

Live Support (Upon Request)

Get a question that you’re not sure how to answer? Tell the attendee you’re not sure and will find out during the break. Coordinate your training with us ahead of time and we’ll make sure we have someone available to you so you can get answers on your breaks.

Certified Trainer Qualifications

For training aimed at CX audiences, we require that you have been a senior-level CX or UX practitioner for at least 5 years.

For training aimed at non-CX audiences, years of CX experience is greatly preferred so that CX questions asked by attendees are answered by someone with experience and domain knowledge. 

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