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Hire Debbie and/or her team for projects, consulting, training, Fractional Leadership, or more.

Register for cohort-based workshops! Upskill, grow, improve, and get personal feedback on exercises.

Book time with Debbie for private coaching or a portfolio review. 

Everybody gets 30 minutes free (once). Then it’s $50 USD per half hour.

Join our CXCC Patreon for early access and other perks.

It’s like our mailing list or Substack except you can join for free. Free members also get early access to content and discounts on upcoming workshops. Don’t miss out because an algorithm didn’t show you a post, video, or article! Catch it all here.

Paid memberships start at $1 USD per month or under $11 USD per year.

Join our new Mastermind/Group Coaching “support” group for those currently working in CX, UX, or Product.

Most shows are now broadcasted and archived on our NEW channel, Customer Experience – Customer Centricity, aka CX-CC.

We have over 800 videos on the Delta CX channel.

View our calendar of upcoming events. RSVP to single events, or add the whole calendar to yours.

Join our Slack workspace. Free!

Join our Discord. Free!

The CXCC Discord focuses more broadly on product/service/business strategy, customer experiences, customer-centricity, attracting customers, satisfying them, retaining them, etc. CX and UX work questions are also welcome.

Looking for our print, digital, or audio books?

Ask a question ahead of time or live during our Q&A / AMA streams, typically Tuesdays at 6:30pm Central Europe Time.

Send something in for the Practicing Critical Thinking streams (formerly the Reaction Streams), typically the last Friday of each month at 6:30pm Central Europe Time. This is the only live stream still on the Delta CX channel.

Note: if it’s a long video or article, please sum up the main points or tell me what to look for. I’m sorry, but I rarely have time for long videos or articles.

Tipping is optional but appreciated! Thank you!

There are companies I use because I like them. I do not have any sponsors or paid promotions. But I did sign up for some affiliate programs. Thanks!

I use Airalo for eSIMs when I am traveling somewhere where I don’t have free mobile data roaming.

I’m a huge fan, and can’t say enough positive things about them.

I use NordVPN at home and when travelling.

Holy cats, has changed my life! They’re a great online bank that has saved me so much in fees, both in sending and receiving money in various currencies.

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